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이름 없는 여자 방영안함

(Nameless Woman)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


리뷰 남기기


지극한 모성애 때문에 충돌하는 두 여자를 통해 여자보다 강한 두 엄마의 여정을 그린 드라마
제작 노트
Yeo-ri was a high school student full of dreams and hopes when her driver father died in an accident. The owner of her father’s company decided to adopt the orphan girl, but she soon realized that it wasn’t out of generosity. Indeed, her foster mother took an interest in her only after finding out that Yeo-ri was a matching bone marrow donor for her only son Hae-seong, who has leukemia. When she got pregnant of her boyfriend Mu-yeo, she learned that Hae-seong needed another transplant. But fearing for her child’s life, she refused to have the operation, and as things took a turn for the worse she ended up in jail, sentenced for homicide. Now, ten years later, she comes back into their lives under another name…

포토 (2)

배우와 스탭



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